Book Reviews by Genre:

Thaddeus of Beewicke

Louis Sauvain's Thaddeus of Beewicke - the first book in The College of Sorcerers Trilogy - immerses readers in a captivating realm of fantasy, magic, and perilous exploits. Embarking on a thrilling coming-of-age journey, readers will be swept up into a world full of wonder and mystery, teeming with dangers and unexpected challenges that could ...

Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay

Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay by Kate Darroch is a captivating romance novel that takes readers on a journey of recovery, healing, and second chances.

When Protagonist Eric Wilcox, under the influence, causes an accident that leaves a young girl named Angie with a broken leg, he is sentenced to community service and probation. Determined ...

The 20 Little Poems for 20 Little Gnomes

The 20 Little Poems for 20 Little Gnomes by Raven Howell and illustrated by Nazli Tarcan, is a book for children about life. With short poems about the beauty of life, the sun and moon, about summer, winter and snowflakes, and much more. Each poem is uplifting, with beautiful illustrations that match the spirit of the words.
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The 410 Club

The 410 Club, by Victor Loun, is a compelling coming-of-age story. Whether fiction, written as a memoir, or memoir written as fiction, The 410 Club is told in the first person by a spindly, blond-haired, young boy, Jasper Bartlett. Set in the 1970s in both a small rural town in Colorado and a farm in Maryland, the story captures Jasper’s emotional ...

The Agency Owner's Guide to Freedom

The Agency Owner's Guide to Freedom: Take Back Your Life, Control Your Time, and Transform Your Agency," by Jesse P. Gilmore, a seasoned small business entrepreneur, offers valuable insights on scaling an agency or small business effectively without succumbing to burnout. Drawing from Gilmore's personal experience, this guide empowers ...

The Albatross: Contact

The prologue of The Albatross: Contact, by Connor Mackay, seizes the reader with graphic detail in this contemporary, contemplative sci-fi novel. The first word and initial paragraph engages the atmosphere and sets the personality of Will Reach. Reach exposes his gritty, hidden back-story in self-talk and through remembered ...

The American Testament

Thomas Michael Simon has written a fictional novel entitled 'The American Testament.'  The story is set in the year 2084.  It is a time when artificial intelligence is used everywhere, androids abound, and America finds itself terribly fragmented. Simon paints a dark vision of a highly technological society of the future. It is ...

The Anchor is the Key

“The Crystal ball rolled slowly across the old hardwood floor until it stopped inches shy of Madam Celeste’s right foot. Stooping down to pick it up with great care so as to maintain the exact aspect of where it had stopped caused her to utter a small sigh.”

This was the beginning of an adventure that a psychic in ...

The Angel Experiment

WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE. Do not put this book down. I'm dead serious - your life could depend on it. I'm risking everything by telling you - but you need to know. STRAP YOURSELF IN for the thrill ride you'll want to take again and again! From Death Valley, California, to the bowels of the New York City subway system, you're about ...

The Angels of Resistance

The Angels of Resistance, Parts I & II, a primeval tragedy by David V. Mammina, is an indie dark fantasy. One thousand years after the apocalypse, the Demon Plague attacks Pommel, the home of Michael Miuriel. This man has experienced the death of his wife and young son from the plague and is devastated by its damage to his city. He is one of ...


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