Book Reviews by Genre:

A Finger of Land on an Old Man's Hand

Finger of Land on an Old Man's Hand: Adventures in Mexico's Baja Wilderness by Earl Vincent de Berge is a nostalgic account of the author's exploits that took place between 1962 and 1964 as he and three friends, Mark, Brian, and Adel traversed the still wild deserts and coastal regions of Baja California.

The author provides ...

A Fox in the Fold

A contemporary psychological thriller, A Fox in the Fold by T. K. Ambers will keep the reader in suspense from the prologue and the first sentence that states “It had been the longest night of her life, …”. This crime thriller, with romance and high society glam, is the second book in a series that also reads as a stand-alone. ...

A Grave Misunderstanding: A Simon Grave Mystery

Len Boswell’s “ A Grave Misunderstanding” published by Black Rose Writing is a classic whodunit with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing to the end. Boswell’s easy writing style and outlandish characters make for a fun read that is difficult to put down.

The story opens with Detective Simon Grave studying ...


HOW TO FIND SPIRITUALITY IN A BOTTLE: SEEKING THE MEANING OF LIFE IN BARS AROUND THE WORLD September 8, 2014 - Surveys show that fewer Americans are looking to organized religion, to churches, to pastors, priests, or rabbis, to meet their spiritual needs. But they haven't given up on spirituality. What is the new frontier for spiritual yearning, ...

A Hero Wears a Trooper's Hat

A Hero Wears a Trooper's Hat, by Steve F. Schubert, is a full-color, illustrated children's book dedicated to all State Troopers and their families. The book puts a spotlight on young Joshua's ambition to become a State Trooper. Schubert effectively illustrates the power of positive role models in shaping the minds of youth, underscoring ...

A Hero's Heart

Truth is not only stranger than fiction but can be more terrifying. A Hero’s Heart, a biography/memoir, by Tiffany Fenton, is her real-life story that sounds unbelievable. She identifies a hero as someone like her mother who suffered physically and emotionally with an alcoholic second husband, lived in poverty and shame, and often went hungry ...

A Knife's Edge

A Knife’s Edge by Eliot Parker is a police thriller set in the author’s home state of West Virginia. His knowledge of Appalachia is reflected in his vivid descriptions of the book’s locations and the story’s backdrop of late winter.  The protagonist, police Sergeant Ronan McCullough is drawn into investigating ...

A Letter From Munich: A Jack Bailey Novel

From the opening preface to A Letter from Munich by Meg Lelvis, through a flashback to 1930s Germany, this mystery novel compels the reader to delve into the fascinating world of WW II secrets and lies. Lelvis loses no time in introducing the protagonist Jack Bailey’s mysterious decades-old letter that might reveal the shadowy past of his father, ...


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June 17, 1967 - Battle of Xom Bo II