Finding UP - Book Review

Finding UP

Author: Linda Anthony Hill
Genre: Non Fiction - Self Help
Publisher: Hill House Publishing
Date Published: September 28, 2019
ISBN-10: 1733081429
ISBN-13: 9781733081429

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Book Review of :  Finding UP


Finding Up by Linda Anthony Hill is a self-help book written by an author who lives what she preaches.

If you are struggling to keep up with life and a career, then, Finding Up is a book you need to help overcome obstacles in your personal and professional lives. Hill’s book provides a method of how to do it. She offers some actionable strategies to regain control of your emotional self, your inner self, and your professional self by providingways to move in a positive direction to help you succeed in life. It’s not only a fascinating read, but it could be transformative.

She defines a 32-step program with each one broken into three zones – Red, Yellow, and Green. The Red level represents a zone where you are a neophyte trying to master the subject. Once you become more proficient in that subject, you move into the “Yellow Zone,” which, of course, leads to the Green level where you can consider the task or subject mastered. There is a lot more to the program than that, but that is its foundation. And you must discover the GOLD Zone in the book, which provides advice that can instantly benefit you.

The system she describes is one that will help a person develop and sustain the good habits needed to succeed.  The work Hill has done to organize and explain these critical steps makes it an easy plan to follow since she has reduced it into doable small steps.

Subjects like anxiousness, immobility, weakness, reluctance, hostility, repression and much more are discussed to help conquer these various detrimental concerns that can hold you back.

In this book, Hill shows us how her techniques can help create lives that are both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of whom or where we are, what we do, or have done for a living, or how young or old we are. Her defined methodology can be helpful for those creating fantastic technology, products, or any career in your life. It is a way of helping you build a life of fulfillment and joy.

An empowering book based on Hill’s own experiences written with an empathetic tone, and sensible advice, her book will easily earn a place among career-finding classics. 

Finding Up is a must-read for anyone who is looking for a dose of inspiration and motivation. Use the practical steps in Hill’s book to assist in building a satisfying and meaningful life. 

Reviewed by: James B

About Linda Anthony Hill


Linda was born in Sanford, Florida. Her family moved to Daytona Beach before Linda started grade school. It was a wonderful city to grow up in and Linda had the opportunity to meet people from around the world. She was a published poet before she started High School. Writing took a back seat to travel and then family until she was in her fifties when she decided to publish a book about her and her husband's haunted house. "Hill House Manor: The Guest Book" is available on Amazon. Then she was inspired by her grandson, who was afraid of ghosts at the time, to write a ghost story for children age 8 to 12. You'll find "Branden's Ghosts" for sale here on Amazon. Her next venture was inspired by a village in Africa in the country of Kenya. This village is a three hour walk from fresh water. They have no electricity. When her freind, Catherine told her about the village and the school she was helping to promote, Linda was compelled to write a book for the children in that school. This was a labor of love and all profits go to the school. You can find the book here on Amazon as "Sirere's Calf". In 2014 Linda decided to get serious. She joined a writers club and was challenged to write over 20 ghost stories. She found an audience on Facebook. She was further challenged to write a novel incorporating ghost stories with the paranormal and psychic to evolve into a murder mystery. "The Anchor is the Key" is available here on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version. Linda lives in Texas with her husband Del. She is retired from Dental Technology and spends her time working on her next book "The Spider House", and enjoying her 3 grandsons and, of course, giving tours of the infamous Hill House Manor.

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