From Timna to Mars - Book Review
Book Review of : From Timna to Mars
From Timna to Mars by Avraham Y. Anouchi is a thriller that involves the USA, Russia, Israel, China, NASA, CIA, FBI, KGB-SVR. The relationships of all these factions creates and amplifies the complexity of the endeavors to find rare elements on Mars.
The book spans 1987 to 2014 and keeps you hooked every step of the way. From Timna to Mars encompasses spies, rare elements, space travel, plane crashes, world economies and King Solomon. Archaeology, carbon dating and space travel are all woven into this thriller. Brilliant minds of the world work together and against each other to find rare elements on Mars. There is a wide spectrum of characters presented in this book to make it a page turner.
Professor Avner Amram (archaeologist and electronics expert) takes on the challenge of finding rare elements on Mars. The earth is fast depleting the rare elements it needs to survive. This endeavor proves to be a formula for nations competing to be the first. Therein lies the inclusion of spies and espionage to help each nation stay one step ahead of the others.
Daphna Amram (Avner's wife) is a carbon dating expert. She is fascinated and working diligently on carbon dating the site of King Solomon's time in reign. You will be surprised at her involvement and the end result of her work.
Gideon Amram (Avner's son) is a technical expert and professor. Gideon plays an important role throughout the book with not only the rare element aspect, but also carbon dating.
From Timna to Mars keeps the reader captivated, not only with the rivalries and battles between the competing countries, but with family, life long friends and developing love.
A very good read!!!
About Avraham Anouchi

Master of Engineering - Electronics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Bachelor of Science - Electronic Engineering Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN
Professional and Scientific Society Memberships
Institute of Electrical Engineers of America (IEEE)
Instrument Society of America (ISE) – Former Member
Society of Photo-Optical Instrument Engineers (SPIE) – Former Member
Fluent: English, Hebrew and French. Semi Fluent: Spanish
"The Legacy" - A memoir
"Igeret Hamassoret" - A Memoir published in Hebrew
"The Hidden Scroll" - An Historical novel with archeological adventure.”
Non Technical Articles
Enlish articles in various publications and newspapers
Hebrew articles in the monthly “LAMISHPACHA”
Technical Articles
“Displacement Measurement System for Diesel Pumps and Injectors.” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements
“Sonic Anemometer with No Moving Parts”. Symposium on Automation in Offshore Oil Field Operation in Norway.
“Self-oriented Electromagnetic Ocean Current Meter”. Instruments Society of America Conference on Oceanographic Instrumentation
“Ocean Current Measurements”. Instruments Society of America.
“Amplification Factor of Junction Transistors”. Electronic Components Symposium, Washington, DC
“Transistor Output Pairs”. Western Electronics Conference (WESCON)
“Measuring Transistor Noise Figure”. Proceedings of the I.R.E.
“Time-Interval Rate Meter for Time Measuring Devices…”.US Patent No. 3811314
“Catalytic Gas Sensor.”US Patent No. 4447397UK Patent No. 8320765(A)
“Catalytic Gas Detection Instrument.”US Patent No. 4541988.
Professional Positions
Former Chief Engineer - Environmental Division - E.G.&G. - Waltham, MA
Former Vice President of Engineering - United Technologies Corporation -Instruments Division.
President and Founder - AYA Instruments,
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