Annie Carwyn resides in sunny California with her ruggedly handsome husband, two talented children, and a menagerie of furry friends. With a master's degree in education, she spends the majority of her time teaching students as a reading and writing specialist. When she isn't working with students, she can be found out on the trails riding her white Arabian mare. Annie's love of horses started early in life with western pleasure riding that later led to competitions in jumping events, dressage, and polo matches. Annie's happy place is definitely anywhere in the great outdoors. She enjoys gardening, hiking, backpacking, jogging, kayaking, sailing, and, of course, horseback riding. Akin to her namesake, Annie is a naturally talented marksman who enjoys spending time at the range. As quick as she is with a rifle, she is with a skillet. She loves the time she spends cooking for her family and hanging out with them at home.
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