1. jimar, what got you involved in this lonely and often frustrating undertaking?
First, jimar is simply a pen name and the reason for it is explained in the Work. The Work, the Jimarian Bible, actually consists of ten books in all, 575 pages under one cover. Although, I have written a number of other books, the KNOWLEDGE revealed herein, was acquired over 40 years; based upon mystical experiences, yet containing very simple, practical solutions creating a Temporal Paradise, here on Earth.
2. I felt like your book was very exciting. Did you write it to make a political or social statement about life in America?
It does tend to use America as an example of human foolishness and a country in chaos that by adopting the KNOWLEDGE revealed in the Work, the world will follow suit.
3. Are you working on any follow-up disclosures?
Based upon the receptivity of the Work, there are numerous, yet-to-be-revealed “Augmentations” to the Work.
4. How long have you been writing, or when did you start?
Two other books were written and published, around 1968-1970. Other books have followed over the years; some of which have been self-published and others yet to be published.
5. What did you do before becoming an author?
I have been an executive in several Fortune five hundred companies, a poet, a systems developer, an inventor and an educator; and more significantly the father of six amazing children.
6. Have you written other books, and what are they about?
he other books range from the women’s rights movement, murder mysteries, Government malfeasance and an educational, high school, text book.
7. Do you feel your author’s platform is a good way to bring attention to social issues?
When coupled with university speaking engagements, media interviews and book reviews, it should be the best way to influence public opinion.
8. Do you find writing therapeutic?
I know this is going to be a very unusual response to the question. I basically write for two reasons, neither of which is therapeutic. The main reason is to attempt to level the playing field throughout any social structure for the working poor and lower middle class. Because of my unusual background and other-world experiences, it is a laborious task far from being therapeutic. The other reason is to alleviate boredom through self-entertainment. I disagree with Epicurus (361BC) that mental pleasure is superior to physical pleasure. For me social interaction and physical activities are both pleasurable and therapeutic.
9. What’s your favorite and least favorite part of publishing?
My favorite is the mass distribution of the subject material. The least favorite, is, of, course, not only getting published but with a firm that has great distribution acceptance by the general public and Media outlets.
10. Let’s talk a bit about your book “The Jimarian Bible How do you describe it?
It is best described by Diana of GOODREADS, “The Jimarian Bible explains the inner consciousness of both the author and Jimar, making a case for 'bigger picture thinking' as it points out that individuals may experience 100 years on the planet, so have numerous opportunities to make a difference in its evolution. Not only the purposes in human life on Earth, but the perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, and other major world religions and their guidance on the subject. As chapters unfold, a wide-ranging discussion of belief systems turns into pointed considerations of self and moves into wider concerns, from an over-populated world and the risks and rewards of parenting to human psychology, expanding the underlying probe (why humans are on Earth) to consider how people interact with the universe.”
11. What inspired the idea for your book?
Three illuminating, mystical experiences, over a period of 20 years; and an incredible encounter in a small book store Kiosk, 3 years later.
12. How did you come up with the title for your book?
It’s an acronym for the basic flaw in human nature; disregarding the basic moral imperative that thou shalt not kill.
13. What was your hardest scene to write, and why?
The World Chaos graph, in Book III; because of the methodology used and the supporting historical data accumulation required.
14. What part of the book was the most fun to write?
Book VI, the First Spiritual Illumination
15. What is a significant way your book has changed since the first draft?
Not significantly, but attempted to simplify sentence structure for easier absorption of material.
16. What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged with this work?
The very nature and thought processes of Human Beings throughout the recorded history of Mankind.
17. How would you describe your book’s ideal reader?
Anyone who recognizes that all is not right, not only with themselves, but with the surrounding world Chaos, as well.
18. What is the most difficult part of your writing process?
To paint a verbal picture that is entertaining and mysterious enough, to invite the reader to abandon their safe mental game preserve; filled with all manner of self-doubt, addictions, False Personalities and illusions. The results, of which, will reveal each individual’s Essence and Singular True Personality, free of happiness highs and depression lows, permitting a great life adventure and emotional contentment
19. How long did it take you to write this book?
Remember this is not a book. It is Work comprised of ten books, of 575 pages. It took
forty years and a great deal of conscious labor and intentional suffering.
20. What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?
21. What other advice do you have for new writers?
22. Is there anything else you would like to add to the Interview?
Turning World Chaos, beginning with the recorded history of mankind, into a Temporal Paradise on Earth, is unbelievably simple except for one caveat; Mankind’s inability to practice Metanoia. All of which is made abundantly clear throughout the Jimarian Bible. To really understand the Work visit the website: thejimarianbible.com
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