Fatal Transaction - Book Review
Book Review of : Fatal Transaction
Fatal Transaction by W. Richard Lawrence is a suspence thriller about Sara and the tumultuous life she is leading. Sara is a computer hacker and finds herself working for a less than trustworthy man. Sara truly is a computer programmer who finds herself "hacking" instead of "programming". There is not much her boss will not do to steal from others. Sara knows that she cannot continue down this path and comes up with a scheme to make one huge transaction and leave the boss and "hacking" behind. Double crossing your boss only leads to more treacherous activities.
Sara does find a place of refuge - or so she thinks - with Derry Conway - an accountant. The book just ramps up here and leads you through the adventures of Sara, Derry, her former boss and the FBI.
What will Sara do - the right thing - or let Derry take the "fall". Read to find out.
Fatal Transaction is a very well written suspense story--you will be held to finding out what happens next from beginning to end.
Good Read!!
About W. Richard Lawrence

Who am I? I've always thought that was an interesting question. Not because I'm interesting, but how does someone sum up himself. Okay, I'll try. I came into this world in the late 50's and went though childhood in the hippie/Iron Curtain time-period. I'm the youngest of five kids. My father served twenty-seven years in the Army, of which I am proud. During this time we moved all over the country and had two tours in Germany. While in the States we moved nearly every year. After leaving home I joined the Army and spent the bulk of that time in Germany also. Being uprooted so frequently and traveling by car most of the time, gave me many long days to daydream. My daydreams always seemed to evolve into stories, some of which I liked enough to work on for days at a time. Even after I grew up, I continue to daydream and write stories in my head. I never seem to run out of stories. After my time in the Army, I went to college, where I met a lovely young lady and asked her to be my wife. Four kids and thirty-plus years later, we are not only still happily married but she has become essential in everything I do, including putting together stories and editing my writing. After working as an Electrical Engineer for twenty years I was allowed (a nice way of saying laid off) to start my own business. My wife and I wrote twelve science books for the homeschool market, which we self-published and marketed. Three years into this venture Answers in Geneses began publishing our books. Not wanting to go back into the high tech industry, I returned to my childhood pastime of making up stories. My first novel, A Fair Exchange, is set to be released in September, 2013. My wife and I live in northern Colorado with three of our four children close by. What do I do when I'm not writing? I play street hockey, racquetball, and go hiking whenever I can escape to the mountains. So, now you know a little about me.
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