Lori Daniels Mystery: Pillow Talk - Book Review

Lori Daniels Mystery: Pillow Talk

Author: Tom Preschutti
Genre: Fiction - Mystery - General
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
Date Published: May 23, 2019
ISBN-10: 1684332656
ISBN-13: 9781684332656

GoodReads Rating:

Book Review of :  Lori Daniels Mystery: Pillow Talk


Pillow talk by Tom Preschutti is a novel chronicling much of the lives of some Pennsylvania police officers who are tasked with the job of dismantling a notorious drug-pushing operation call the Fifth Street Gang. Preshutti paints a gritty, realistic look at the life of cops in a metropolitan Pennsylvania city. His novel is not just a story of catching the bad guys but also a critical look at those within the precinct, their relationships, camaraderie, love affairs, jealousies and also other serious internal conflicts.  Preshutti doesn’t waste your reading time with a lot of drivel about things that have no relevance to his story. He is the omnipotent storyteller feeding you just what is needed to move the story along and keep it exciting. I was impressed with how his style of writing kept me reading a few pages more and then a few more pages because they all had importance to them.

Pillow Talk revolves around Police detective sergeant Lori Daniels, Detective Sergeant Brenda Cervetti, officer Regina Boris, bad guy Mark Turgeson and a cast of other minor characters that are woven into the story.

Sergeant Lori Daniels is a good cop who is smart and has proven she has what it takes to be a leader on the force, but she is also a lusty romantic lady who finds herself pulled between numerous coworkers creating a somewhat toxic workplace. It isn’t just the search for a gang kingpin and drug busts that take up their investigative time but also the disappearance of one of their own. The officer missing was close to Sergeant Lori Daniels, and Detective Sergeant Brenda Cervetti so her whereabouts is a major concern to them. Has she eloped, had an accident, or something more sinister? The search is on; does her disappearance have anything to do with their investigation into the Fifth Street Gang?

 The novel is full of action and numerous dead bodies, some killed by the police and others killed by the bad guys.  The actions take place in numerous locations in Pennsylvania; sometime in Harrisburg, sometimes in Washington Township,  even small towns like Coudersport and more.

The novel is perversely appealing with its pulpy vitality that comfortably straddles the line between cop story and the soap opera antics of its characters.

  Through Preschutti riveting, uninhibited narrative, he skillfully exposes the intricate social anatomy of Lori Daniels’ police world, with its general mayhem that is experienced on a daily basis. He examines the lives of its people—their passions and vices, their ambitions and defeats, their passivity or violence, their secret dreams and kindnesses, their cohesiveness, and rigidity, their struggles, their loves, their rejections, and often their courage.

The protagonist, Lori Daniels romances are complicated dances between partners that’s as much about sex as it is the legal and ethical ramifications of these unions.  Yes, there is a lot going on in Pillow Talk; does Lori’s crush on Police Lieutenant Detective Mike Costner become anything more than a physical relationship? How does her previous relationship with Captain Tom Exeter turn out? Do they squash the 5th Street Gang operations? In short, Pillow Talk is an ingenious, inventive thriller and page-turner about power, drugs, sex, corruption, and secrets that can destroy.  

Reviewed by: DaveH

About Tom Preschutti

After working 34 years in the construction management industry, Tom Preschutti has started a new career, writing. He writes what he likes to read, romance mixed with mystery and suspense. His ambition to be a writer started in high school but was put on hold. Having a steady income for raising a family took precedence over everything else. He lived all his life in Pennsylvania and now lives in a rural area north of Philadelphia.


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