Violet - Book Review


Author: Sabrina Simon
Genre: Poetry/Music
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
Date Published: July 11, 2022
ISBN-10: 1662928122
ISBN-13: 978-1662928123

Book Review of :  Violet


Violet by Sabrina Simon is a collection of touching and relatable love poems. Her poems will talk to your soul and mind and express your deepest thoughts.  Simon's writing style is easy to follow and really lets you "feel" your emotions as you read her prose. Violet is truly a collection of modern love poems that can really evoke emotions if you are raw.   If you are living through your first love affair or still remember what your first love was like, you will find Simon's poems hauntingly relatable, beautiful, and delightful.

In her poem, "My First Love," she eloquently writes:
I have a fondness for his bright and mischievous eyes;
 his free spirit and his sense of humor reflect mine,
and there's something about his dimpled smile;
 he gives the room a certain glow when he enters, 

And she ends the poem with powerful lines that reflect the sad reality of first love -
Until alone, I sit, my heart with his.
He's not mine, but I'm his——
the dramatic irony—— my first love. 

I have certainly experienced first love, and the pain of rejection, and her work captures those raw emotions.

Some of her poems are upbeat, and you will experience the ecstasy that loving another human being can bring.   But many of Simon's poems show she knows how serious a broken heart is and how much goes into the healing process. Reading her work, you'll find that self-love is probably the most important love of all. 

Simon's poems explore those feelings of longing for lovers yet to appear and dreams of what it will be like to be desired and fulfilled.

I love her poetry and felt many of the poems could easily be made into very romantic love songs. They have a rhythm to them that lends to being great song lyrics.

In some of her poems like, "he's not mine," she talks about unrequited love, a fantasy love where she pours out her love for a person who doesn't even recognize her love for him. It is a sad statement of how love can creep into our being and tear at our hearts. But even with sad poems of the rawest and most hurtful topics, she manages to give most of them a feeling of uplift and hope.

Simon's command and purity of language remind us what it is like to be madly in love. Those wonderful small moments full of love that will be a part of us forever. Violet is unquestionably up there at the top of love poetry books.

If you need a little more love in your life or want some beautiful verses to read to someone you love, then reading love poems from Violet is the perfect way to give your heart the fuzzy, feel-good vibes it deserves in today's hectic world.  


Reviewed by: dave

Latest Author Interview

A Poet talks about poetry

An in-depth discussion about Sabrina Simon's book of poetry, "Violet," and the overall state of poetry in America. What is the future of Poetry? Sabrina will give you her opinion. Her book, "Violet," is full of beautiful love poetry that talks about all those strange feelings we experience when we are in love.

About Sabrina Simon


Sabrina Simon was born in Miami, Florida, and considers her faith integral to her life. That focus led to self-publishing this book. Proclaiming herself a lovelorn loner, writing is where she spills her encompassing love that drove her to write poetry. What began as a means of therapy evolved into a passion for literary devices and figurative language. Now, Sabrina's passion for writing has led her to majoring in Film. Violet is Sabrina's first book of poetry.


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