The Northeast Quarter - Book Review
Book Review of : The Northeast Quarter
The Northeast Quarter by S. M. Harris is Ann Hardy's story - the book begins in the early 1900's in Iowa. Ann's grandfather, Colonel Wallace Carson has a vast holding of land. His agriculture empire is extremely impressive for the times and the region. Carson has a certain plot of land, that he calls the Northeast Quarter, that is very near and dear to him that he wants saved at all cost. The Great Depression, poverty, and the general state of things in the heartland sets you up for Ann's story and the hardships she must face to fight for The Northeast Quarter.
Ann is 10 when the story begins. Even at this young age Colonel Carson knows he has to make her understand that she is the one to save his land. His intuition and timing are perfect because later in that very same day the Colonel is killed.
Here begins the story, historical fiction, that will endear you to The Northeast Quarter. Ann has ten years of struggles and hardships to try and keep her path to saving the land. Ann's grandmother remarries after the Colonel is killed. That proves to be probably the very worse union that could have happened to Ann. Royce Chamberlin becomes Ann's grandfather by marriage and his holy terror reign begins.
Ann will spend the next ten years, until she is 18, trying to keep up with, defend, and match wits with Chamberlin. She has much to endure from him, but will not give up on The Northeast Quarter.
Ann finds her time and chance to make her move for The Northeast Quarter--the year is 1929 -- the place is Winfield, Iowa--the young lady is Ann. Things will change!!!
Historical fiction - Harris covers many facets of the early 1900's. A very well written book that will carry you through the early Twentieth century in a very personal way.
Good read!!!
About S. M. Harris

S.M. Harris was born in 1947. Since he was the youngest in his high school graduating class, his parents sent him to Europe to pick up an extra year, where he attended Ecole Des Roches in Switzerland for one year and two years of college at American College of Switzerland. On returning to America, he graduated from Stanford and received his MA from Northwestern.
He spent several years as a property manager, a travel agent and receptionist in an art gallery. In 1985, he saw an ad on a supermarket bulletin board for Bunco Theatre, a Santa Monica based group dedicated to educating senior citizens about crimes perpetrated against the elderly. He volunteered as a helper?to move props, sets, etc. Since actors were scarce, he was drafted into playing the resident perp in all their skits. From there he found himself writing some of the material for the group. This experience piqued his interest in theater and set him on a different course in life.
He took as many classes in playwriting as he could through UCLA Extension and began submitting his class projects to theatres around the country. In 1991 he was invited to Ensemble Studio Theatre in New York to attend their summer conference in the Catskills?this began a journey which led him to move to New York. An Ensemble Studio lab project, Colleen Ireland (about a 90 something retirement home resident and her great-granddaughter), was nominated for Best Play at the Playwrights Forum Festival 2002 in Spokane. Colleen was produced for the first time in Spokane and then by Diverse City Theatre Company in New York, where it received a positive review from The New York Times. Spindrift Way, a follow-up to Colleen, received its world premiere at The Senior Theatre USA Festival in Baltimore in June 2008. There are now twelve Colleen plays in the series
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