Little Shadow - Book Review

Little Shadow

Author: S. L. Schultz
Genre: Fiction - Thriller - General
Date Published: February 1, 2014
ISBN-10: 193731717X
ISBN-13: 978-1-937317-17-1

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Book Review of :  Little Shadow

little-shadow.jpg Little Shadow by S. L. Schultz is a compelling story about a small town family. Not just any family--each person you meet in Little Shadow will have a story. The matriarch of the family believes the falling of a painting from the wall signifies impending death. From that point on you will be trying to "figure" out who and when. That will last until the end of the book-therefore you will be enthralled and captivated from beginning to end. The characters include angels, a war veteran, his wife and best friend, his daughter, father-in-law and so forth. Each have their torments to deal with. Schultz does a masterful job of drawing you into each of their lives. These flawed characters are woven together in their lives and this small town. Each are trying to come to terms with their actions-present and past. Little Shadow deals with adultery, homosexuality, deceit, pornography, love and remorse. It is a very entrancing story that the reader will become involved in--captured in one or more ways with each character. You will relate with some and not with others--takes them all to make Little Shadow a great book and one you will enjoy reading!!

About S. L. Schultz

schultz-s.-l..jpg S. L. Schultz's body of work includes poetry, prose, plays, and screenplays that explore the rhythms, dynamics and depths of human emotional interactions. Her plays have been staged in San Francisco and Chicago. She lives in Michigan where she works as an adjunct professor of English, teaching and tutoring composition, while designing and facilitating academic workshops. S. L. Schultz is a graduate of California State University, Long Beach. Little Shadow is her first published novel, and book one of a trilogy. Visit her website ( to learn more about her.

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