Healing Pain and Injury - Book Review
Book Review of : Healing Pain and Injury
Healing Pain and Injury by Maud Nerman is an eye opening book that everyone should read and then have on hand for those times when injury, pain or disease is present.
Trauma at one time or another is present in everyone's body. Dr. Newman believes that over time trauma will devastate your health, and the premise of this book is - Trauma shocks the nervous system, trauma provokes a firestorm of inflammation, and trauma jams up the body's system of motion.
Healing Pain and Injury is based on osteopathic medicine. The body works as a unit and when one part has experienced trauma it effects the entire unit. Dr. Newman writes that there are 5 elements of the body- Diaphragm, Lymphatic System, Sacrum, Fascia and Skull. Each of these plays a very important part in one's overall health. When one is out of "whack" they are all effected. The one element that suffered trauma needs to be brought back to it's healthy condition. Each of the elements may need to be dealt with for this to take place. Healing Pain and Injury is an excellent source of not only information, but practical and proven remedies to get the body back healthy.
Young and old alike should have a copy of this book. Trauma is part of our lives and Healing Pain and Injury should be a part of your medical library.
Extremely informative and useful!!!
About Maud Nerman, DO, CSPOMM. CA

After obtaining her Bachelors' degree from Stanford University, Maud Nerman attended medical school at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in Old Westbury. Along with her medical degree, she received the Riland Award in 1981 for excellence in osteopathic manual medicine. She completed her internship at Doctors Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, where she earned the Hoyt Trimble award for proficiency in manual medicine. From 1982 to 1987 she was assistant professor at the Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine, where she taught Family Practice and Osteopathic Practice and Principles. Dr. Nerman is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Osteopathic Medicine at Tuoro University Medical Center in Vallejo, California. For the last three decades, Dr. Nerman has practiced osteopathic manual medicine, addressing complex medical and neurological problems, including brain injury, epilepsy, migraines, low back pain, GERD, and hormonal problems. Dr. Nerman has lectured extensively on osteopathic medicine throughout the United States and has taught more than a dozen courses on cranial osteopathy. She regularly teaches an advanced course in the treatment of victims of brain injuries and motor vehicle accidents, and is writing a book on novel approaches to healing traumatic brain injury. Proficient in many forms of manual medicine from facilitated positional release to cranial osteopathy, Dr. Nerman has studied with some of the greatest osteopathic physicians. Beginning her homeopathic training in 1983, she has since furthered her study with leading experts in that field. HEALING PAIN AND INJURY, which has received endorsements from lay people, physicians, and authors, including a #1 New York Times bestselling writer, is Dr. Nerman’s first non-fiction book. She is also the author of three novels, including Ceremony of Innocence and Blood Evidence.
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