Blown Cover - Book Review

Blown Cover

Author: Mark A. Hewitt
Genre: Fiction - Thriller - General
Date Published: July 6, 2017
ISBN-10: 1612968937
ISBN-13: 978-1612968933

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Book Review of :  Blown Cover


Blown Cover by Mark Hewitt is a high-octane thriller that explodes off of the starter blocks and races top speed to the final scene. For readers looking for a thriller where the action comes fast and furious, this is the ticket. From the opening pages, the bullets fly and bodies pile up. Through all the carnage, our protagonist, Duncan Hunter, remains an intriguing character with his own moral code.  If you are faint at heart, however, some of the scenes will shock you and if you are an apologist then “Blown Cover,” probably isn’t your book.

Duncan Hunter kills the bad guys. He kills in self-defense. He makes the impossible possible. He is one real cool customer even while he’s also being ‘the hunted’ by his enemies.  Hunter isn’t simply some brawny guy with lots of guns, he is also educated and has proven himself as an adjunct college professor. Life gets complicated for Hunter when the former disgraced US President Mazibuike comes to the conclusion that Duncan Hunter, who had served as a CIA pilot, was most likely the individual that caused his need to resign from the presidency.  Islamist associates of the former POTUS want retribution for Mazibuike’s fall from power and issue a million-dollar fatwa on Hunter’s head.

The new President, Javier Hernandez has two critical missions for Hunter to handle regardless of the fatwa placed on him. One of the missions is to find and dispatch the former president.  It starts to be a race to see if President Hernandez’s orders to Duncan to kill ex-president Mazibuike can happen before the ex-president’s one-million dollar fatwa gets Duncan killed. With unbelievable powers of survival, Duncan eludes killers searching for him and stays focused on the missions.   The other mission is to find a deranged software guru who is believed to be responsible for the disappearance of an airliner and its passengers before he can cause the disappearance of another.

 Hunter comes to believe that there is a direct connection between former President Mazibuike and the computer engineer responsible for the mysteriously missing plane. While he delves into the mystery he gains more enemies who are out to kill him. Huge forces are marshaling against him, from his own government’s operatives to the Islamist radicals who wish to fulfill the fatwa.

Hunter finds himself at the center of the most elaborate manhunt in history. It’s only a matter of time before he’s caught or killed. Will he be able to beat the clock and turn the tables on his adversaries? Will he be able to kill the former President  Mazibuike and stop the disappearance of another jumbo jet?

Hewitt’s fiction weaves real-life events into his stories, There’s a bit of his writing that illuminates the complicated issues of balancing our country’s freedoms with organizations that promote and utilize political correctness as a weapon against us. 

About Mark A. Hewitt

a.-hewitt-mark.jpg Mark is an author of aviation thrillers and is a former military jet pilot. He's been to several airshows where he witnessed the range of emotions and excitement of children attending their first airshow. Watching the awe-inspiring aerial acrobatic teams and seeing the different aircraft, and talking with the pilots always seemed to bring out the little kid in everyone. Mark holds Master's degrees from the Naval War College and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

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