Everywhere That Tommy Goes - Book Review

Everywhere That Tommy Goes

Author: Howard Pollack
Genre: Fiction - Thriller - General
Date Published: May 8, 2014
ISBN-10: 1497524598
ISBN-13: 978-1-4975-2459-0

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Book Review of :  Everywhere That Tommy Goes

everywhere-that-tommy-goes.jpg Everywhere That Tommy Goes by Howard K. Pollack is a very suspenseful, psychological thriller. The book opens with Tommy, a New York City bartender, running from a murder where all fingers point to him. Tommy?s problems have just begun. Another murder happens where once again Tommy seems to be the likely murderer. Tommy not only is dealing with the deadly events taking place in his life now, but also is dealing with the demons from his past. Tommy had a tragic childhood and is consumed with the darkness from those years. He has a hard time deciphering between reality, memory loss and nightmares. Just when you thought it couldn?t get any worse, the police find buried bodies and begin to link those to Tommy also. The tension builds to epic proportions throughout the book. Pollack does a wonderful job with the characters. You will become as engrossed with them and as are with the twist of the plot. Everywhere That Tommy Goes never stops throwing you curves?you have it figured out and then you don?t. The suspense and intrigue begins on page one and does not lessen until the last page. Many will read this book at one sitting?it is just that good. EXCELLENT THRILLER!!!

About Howard Pollack

pollack-howard.jpg Howard K. Pollack was born and raised on Long Island. A Brooklyn Law School graduate, he has had a distinguished career as an attorney for over 27 years. While he enjoys practicing law, his first love has always been writing. Beginning simply as a hobby in high school, writing has grown into a passion that has become a dominant force in his life. 
    Over the years he has created a portfolio filled with short stories, poems, songs, and books, selfishly keeping them all to himself. Only recently, at the insistence of friends and family, did he decide to publish his latest novel: Everywhere That Tommy Goes. The response has truly been overwhelming. In just a few short months he has received an incredible amount of support and praise; not only from those close to him, but from so many people he has never even met. .

Visit http://www.howardkpollack.com for more information on Howard Pollack


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