Learning on the Fly and Laughing Till I Cry - Book Review

Learning on the Fly and Laughing Till I Cry

Author: Deb Preston
Genre: Christian - Living
Publisher: Brighter Side Publishing
Date Published: April 13, 2023
ISBN-10: 979-8987343401
ISBN-13: 979-8987343401

Book Review of :  Learning on the Fly and Laughing Till I Cry


Learning on the Fly and Laughing till I Cry. A Journal of Mothering, My Daughter from Ages One to Seven, is a charming memoir drawn from the journals the author, Deb Preston, kept while her daughter was growing up. Preston taps into the hearts and minds of moms with her stories. The author states that as the mom of a newborn, she felt isolated. However, by her daughter's first birthday, she felt compelled to share and reflect on her experiences with others and began to write. She records her "transformation from unrealistic perfectionist" to hopelessness and then to a transparency of motherhood with humor, insight, and an empowering message to other moms.

With wit, she describes abandoning an imagined structured schedule for a survival mode with a mini-me whose own needs determined what was necessary. She became realistic about the fallacy of being a perfectionist as she learned that to prioritize and adjust made her a successful mom—most of the time. Quality time with her child was much more important than a clean house, well-balanced home-cooked meals, and scheduled toddler time activities. The book invites the reader into the world of a toddler and childhood with hilarious accounts of mischief and language development. Everyday humorous incidents remind the reader of Art Linkletter's "Kids Say the  Darndest Things." A stay-at-home mom, Preston discovers many little incidents that lead her to reflect on her understanding of spirituality. Her advice to parents is that children don't need things but need love, attention, and kisses. They want us. Our expression of love makes memories, not activities and gifts. When carefully planned plans fall apart, adapt and make the most of it. The author's witty comments and her daughter's off-the-wall statements balance the author's rules for motherhood, her advice to mothers, and her pearls of wisdom. Humor and honesty define the character of the author's life and her writing. She shares her boredom as a stay-at-home mom and her attempts to reenter her career by working at home. Her conflicts between the two worlds will encourage the reader to analyze their own situation. Reading Learning on the Fly is sure to provide comfort and reassurance to any parent feeling overwhelmed by parenting. 

This fun book would be an excellent gift at a baby shower for a new mom. The author's wisdom and advice state that parents should not compare themselves to others, especially on social media, but should trust themselves and recognize their different strengths.  Near the book's conclusion, the author notes that she has been writing a children's picture book, Girls Can. As a footnote, she mentions that the book has been published. She had reached a career goal. Girls Can
is an excellent companion book to Learning on the Fly. With her insightful writing, Deb offers a new perspective on how to navigate through motherhood with joy and sanity. Learning on the Fly is a must-read for parents who are looking for an uplifting, humorous read about modern parenting.

Reviewed by: Carole W

About Deb Preston


Deb Preston is an author, editor, amateur gardener, and professional cheese lover. Originally from Iowa, she now lives just outside of San Antonio, Texas with her husband, daughter, and unnecessarily loud beagle. When her daughter was born, she yearned for an opportunity to laugh, cry, connect with, and encourage other moms in the same crazy boat. She launched her blog in 2017 to meet those needs and has been writing about parenthood, faith, and health ever since.

Visit https://debpreston.com for more information on Deb Preston

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