A Better Heart - Book Review

A Better Heart

Author: Chuck Augello
Genre: Fiction - General
Publisher: Black Rose Publishing
Date Published: November 24, 2021
ISBN-10: 1684338263
ISBN-13: 978-1684338269

GoodReads Rating:

Book Review of :  A Better Heart


Chuck Augello's enthralling Novel, A Better Heart, presents you with family drama and adventure. He delves deep into the complex bond between humans and animals, bringing to light the need for change in how we view animal rights. A Better Heart is an enjoyable read with both humorous aspects as well as a powerful message on this important topic. It is a delight for the reader, featuring an engaging expedition with an endearing primate.

The novel opens finding the protagonist, Kevin Stacey, a budding filmmaker confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He is trying to produce and direct his independent film Exit 23. But with dwindling funds, quirky actors, and unreliable crew members, his dream of making the movie looks pretty slim. Kevin must find ways to push through in order for his dream project to become a reality. Can he overcome these challenges and finally turn his vision into a reality?

But Kevin's life becomes even more complicated when his estranged father, Brian Edward, unexpectedly arrives at his door. His father was an actor with a minor presence in over 600 Hollywood films. It wasn't a simple father-and-son reunion but something much more. He came bearing an endearing capuchin monkey named Henry and a thick stack of cash - but also an ominous handgun.

With FBI agents on Brian's trail for liberating Henry from a research lab, it seemed as if Brian and Henry were out of options until Kevin decided to help in finding asylum for the Capuchin monkey. This task would necessitate embarking upon an adventurous cross-country road trip accompanied by friends and family they could trust: Veronica Merrin (Kevin's best friend & lover), Mike (his lawyer brother), and Catholic priest Father Anton Blank – a big-time movie buff!

Augello weaves an exciting tale as the FBI and United States Attorney's Office attempt to best a band of unconventional characters in their mission to help Henry gain his freedom. Along the way, readers will be entertained with humor while being reminded of how some animals suffer in captivity.

Augello's brilliantly crafted novel paints complex characters in thought-provoking scenarios where readers are left to reflect on animal rights issues while being entertained along every twist and chuckle at each laugh-out-loud moment as it takes them through the novel's five-part journey.  Well written and intriguing. A Better Heart is a real page-turner that's exciting, and entertaining that gives a peek into Chuck Augello's explorations into animal rights issues.

Reviewed by: James B.

About Chuck Augello


Chuck Augello is the author of A Better Heart (Black Rose Writing), praised by PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk as "lively, engrossing, fast paced, and spot on when it comes to nailing what's wrong with animal abuse, but in a realistic, not preachy way. A great read." His work has appeared in One Story, Necessary Fiction, Literary Hub, and other fine journals. His novel The Revolving Heart was a Best Books of 2020 selection by Kirkus Reviews. He publishes The Daily Vonnegut, a website exploring the life and art of Kurt Vonnegut. Talking Vonnegut: Centennial Interviews and Essays will be published by McFarland in 2023.

Visit https://www.cdawriting.com/ for more information on Chuck Augello


By: Farzana AkterDate: 01/26/2024 01:39:39
Chuck Augello's captivating novel, A Better Heart, immerses readers in a gripping tale of family conflict and thrilling escapades. Through his masterful storytelling, Augello explores the intricate relationship between humans and animals, shedding light on the urgency for reform in our treatment of animal welfare.

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