You Are a Bird - Book Review

You Are a Bird

Author: Breezy Van Lit
Genre: Christian - Fiction
Publisher: Shimmer Tree Books
Date Published: July 4, 2022
ISBN-10: 979-8986414508
ISBN-13: 979-8986414508

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Book Review of :  You Are a Bird


Breezy Van Lit, author of You Are a Bird, writes an allegory of a caged bird’s desire for freedom to address the reader’s perceived feelings of being trapped. The author’s writing style is concise and clear. This inspirational novella may be geared to middle-grade reading levels but is also relatable for adults who feel they were created to do more.

Written in 2nd person point of view and in present tense, the reader is pulled into the unusual world of a caged bird. You, the Bird, and by extension, the reader, have no recollection of having ever been outside the confines of the surrounding cage. You sense that there is something beyond the cage, beyond the confines of the room in which the cage hangs, and beyond the window that reveals a magical outside.

A Man enters the room to present You with everything you need to survive: water, seeds, and a cleaned-up cage. You can communicate with Kaz, a cat that is able to go outside and report what he sees, and Fay, a fish who is confined to a bowl of water. Throughout the story, the Man paints pictures on wood that he then cuts into puzzle pieces. Life in the cage is a puzzle to the Bird.

Yes, the Bird can think. He questions his confinement in the cage. Can he escape? At last, he is given the opportunity to leave his cage and fly around the Man’s room. The door is closed. The window is sealed. He confronts limited freedom and doesn’t know how to deal with it. The Man catches him and returns him to his cage, drawing a black sack over the cage at night. 

Within the darkness, the Bird assesses his failures. He determines to regain his physical strength and establishes an exercise routine. His attitude changes from defeat to a desire for something more. By acting on his goals and perceived future, the Bird experiences love and freedom. By association, so can You.

The author contrasts the Bird’s limited experiences and knowledge of his confined environment with the dreams the Bird has of another world. The reader, regardless of age, can easily relate to his own personal, social, or cultural confinement with his dreams of the future in this philosophically-probing novella, You are a Bird.

The reader is left with the incentive to “refuse to be caged.” 

Reviewed by: Carole w

About Breezy Van Lit


Please note: Breezy Van Lit is a pen name. The following is my full bio. Sean Coons is an award-winning author and musician living in Idaho's Treasure Valley with his wife and son. His latest work, penned under the nom de plume Breezy Van Lit, is an allegorical novella called You Are a Bird. Sean's prior novel, Firefly, is a comedic middle grade adventure about a wily firefly with a hankerin' for mischief. Firefly is published by Black Rose Writing. He is also the author of Body: or, How Hope Confronts Her Shadow and Calls the Flutter Girl to Flight (published by Black Rose Writing), an inspirational fiction comedy exploring body image and intuitive eating. In the tradition of The Greatest Miracle in the World (Og Mandino), The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho), and The Shack (William Paul Young), Body offers readers a path to a healthier, more fulfilling life. Body was selected as "Christian-Fiction Runner-Up Winner" by the PenCraft Awards. Sean has written for The Atlantic, The Christian Post, and he currently produces content for Compared to Who?, an organization helping people who struggle with body image and comparison issues. Felicity Falling, a screenplay written by Sean and BTS Agnomen, was selected as a Finalist in the Script Pipeline Contest. Sean has also toured the US and abroad as an entertainer.

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