Confessions of a Self Help Writer - Book Review

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Book Review of :  Confessions of a Self Help Writer

confessions-of-a-self-help-writer.jpg Confessions of a Self Help Writer by Benjamin DeHaven is a work of fiction--based on non fiction. DeHaven and Enzo have a very long history and relationship. Michael Enzo is a ghost writer for self help books. He has written many and at times has written books for those who don't even know he has written them. Enzo lives quite the life--drugs, alcohol, prostitution-to name a few. He really only surfaces on the book writing scene when he is broke and needs something to finance his lifestyle. Enzo's journal is found in the aftermath of Katrina, and from this DeHaven writes his book. One has to wonder if all in the journal is true or another of Enzo's writing "stunts"--no matter what the case it is interesting reading. The eye opener is the relevation that self help books, purchased by thousands and held in reverance could be written by a character like Enzo. The stark contrast between Enzo's life and what he writes for others is mind boggling. A man that has absolutely no grip on "normalcy", but can write to guide and help others is truly a testament to his brilliance. No doubt when you read Confessions of a Self Help Writer you will wonder how DeHaven and Enzo stayed so entangled for so many years. Love hate relationship? No matter the reason this is a very good read. You must remember there will be offensive language, lifestyles and relationships. The next time you pick up a self help book----remember Enzo.

About Benjamin Dehaven

dehaven-benjamin.jpg DeHaven keeps his heart in Chicago and his soul in New Orleans. He holds a MBA from Tulane and a film degree from Columbia. Once ejected from a community college for arguing Frost's agenda in Birches, he has since written screenplays, traded futures in Madrid, and was Editor in Chief of the Nola Shopper Newspaper. He also has a "shout out" in a Jay "Z" Song. He and Michael Enzo were friends.


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