The Tree and the Girl - Book Review
The Tree and the Girl
Andrea Hahnfeld
Genre: Children - Mystery & Wonders Publisher: Andrea Hahnfeld Date Published: July 1, 2021
ISBN-10: 3949301062
ISBN-13: 978-3949301063
Book Review of : The Tree and the Girl
The Tree and the Girl by Andrea Hahnfeld is a beautiful but melancholy fable that teaches a moral lesson about the prideful heart. Hahnfeld beautifully illustrated book relates the sad but redeeming tale of a once beautiful fir tree who suffered with a prideful heart. The tale serves as a cautionary example of the dangers of pride and losing sight of one's true purpose. When the fir tree was so consumed by its own beauty, it failed to see its impending fate until it was too late. Its proud heart ultimately led to its own demise when it was abruptly transformed into a Christmas tree.
The old adage "pride comes before a fall" couldn't be more fitting for this story. Originating from the Book of Proverbs 16:18, which states, "pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall," it serves as a somber reminder of the consequences of prideful arrogance.
In this heartwarming tale, a majestic fir tree yearns to return to his forest home and be with his three brothers. But then, One night, an unexpected encounter warmed the fir tree's heart as he stood majestic in front of a window and witnessed a homeless girl seeking refuge from the frigid weather outside. He hopes she will return, which she does, over and over again – her visits are uplifting to him. However, she is barely clothed, dressed in old rags that do nothing to protect her from the harsh winter weather, and her appearance is alarming and concerning. The frigid winter finally takes its toll on her when she collapses in front of the prideful Fir tree, and he knows that her death is looming. Will the fir tree be able to save her by sacrificing his own life?
The innate craving of children to hear stories holds a significant place in human relationships, communities, and traditions. It is an essential aspect that should not be overlooked. Stories are not just about their content but also reflect our identity, morals, beliefs, and perception of reality. They paint a picture of what may not exist but what could or should be. Stories are incredibly powerful, inspiring imagination, touching hearts, and guiding a child's behavior. The Tree and the Girl encapsulates an enchanting fable with a timeless message that will resonate with every reader, regardless of age. This beautiful tale deserves to be shared and passed down from generation to generation.
About Andrea Hahnfeld
Andrea is an indie author based in Saarbruecken, Germany who cannot function without a good night's sleep and coffee, preferably black. If she's not wrestling words to the page, she blogs about her writing process trying to help other aspiring writers to bring their ideas to the shelves. Andrea studied German, English, and Creative Writing in Saarbrucken, Norwich, Leiden, Leipzig, Stellenbosch, and Berlin. Before switching to fiction, she was a copywriter, German teacher, and co-author of textbooks for German as a Foreign Language.
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