Candid interview with Carol Clark about her novel, "Inviting the Moon to Supper."

A candid interview with Carol Clark about her novel, "Inviting the Moon to Supper." Her story is a magical journey that will enthrall you from the moment the book opens until the last page.

It was a delight to read your book, “Inviting the Moon to Supper." We hope we can interest others to indulge in your literary gem.  

When did you start writing? 
I wrote my first novel at age ten in a spiral bound notebook about a ghost horse who appeared along a lakeshore every night but only one young girl was able to see him. My neighbors served as editors and I have no idea what happened to that story. It may be just as well. 

What was the genesis of your entry into the world of writing fiction? 
Some years ago when my dad became ill, I decided to write a story set in a place we both loved. He passed before it (The Permanence of Waves) was published but he enjoyed giving me suggestions for the storyline and illustrations so it’s a fond memory. 

I know “Inviting the Moon to Supper,” is not your first book. From my observation of what you have previously penned this was a much different type of book – what was your motivation to write a book about the world of Indian fables and lore? 
Inviting the Moon to Supper was initially inspired by an artist friend’s portrait exhibit of prey and predator animals wearing festive garb. The exhibit was titled The Predator’s Ball. It was extraordinary. I decided to write an accompanying story but Inviting the Moon to Supper quickly evolved into a runaway train, twisting and turning into a far more complicated plot line with an abundance of unplanned characters. Layers of Norse mythology and magical realism blended with the spirituality of Native American wisdom gave it life. 

Were there a lot of true fables that you included in your novel? 
The Norse mythological references are based directly on old Norse myths and characters. There are also a few Native American beliefs and customs infused into the story. 

Have you ever lived in or visited the places you write about in your book “Inviting the Moon to Supper?” 
I have lived in Northwestern Minnesota where part of the story takes place and have frequented Canada and also Scandinavia but as far as I know, if the Crooked Time Crossing exists, I have not yet found it. 

Being an artist and an author must be a little conflicting on your time.  How do you manage it? 
I doesn’t present a conflict exactly. I tend to jump from project to project. My art studio is so close to where I write that if I get bogged down in one project, I just shift to another. It all gets done. I just have to shut off the noise of the world. 

In your book, “When Color Fades,”  you talk upon a very serious crisis that effects so many seniors.  What prompted you to write that book?   
Years ago, I worked as a charge nurse in an Alzheimer’s secured unit. It was both heartbreaking and fulfilling in a way that’s difficult to describe. I rolled all those emotions into a novel hoping it might help others to understand the process of memory loss better. 

 Now that you reside in Austin, TX during these trying times have the protest of unrest there effected your ability to write or inspired you to write something new? 
Austin,Texas extends its eclectic mix of visual art, diverse music, natural habitats, political passion and academia to anyone receptive enough to be inspired by it. “Live and let live” seems to be a predominant undercurrent here. 

Have you experienced any issues in your travel in and around Austin during the riots or protest?  
No, it’s not been an issue. I know all the back roads and could drive them blindfolded. 

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
In both my art and writing, I create from my heart and spirit with very little regard to trends or what is popular. 

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
There are a few. Just a few. But they are,  in fact, secrets. 

How do you select the names of your characters?
I choose character names either from my own or other people‘s pets (often in memoriam) almost exclusively.

What are common traps that you feel are out there waiting for aspiring writers?
It’s difficult to be patient, to research everything from potential publishers to grand marketing offers but it’s crucial to the process for success. Always have that one aggravating devil-advocate friend who is willing to criticize your work and methods without mercy. 

Have you done any readings at your book launches?  And if you did how well did it go?
My best book launch memory is a reading of When Color Fades. It was in an art gallery with a small group of people in attendance during a thunderstorm. Something about the gallery lighting, the sound of rain pounding the roof and an occasional crack of thunder made the reading all the more magical. 

How happy have you been with the Kindle platform?
Print copies are my personal preference as seems to be true with many of my readers but Kindle has become even more predominant with my new novel. 

What are you working on now?
In addition to adding illustrations for a gallery book-art exhibit of Inviting the Moon to Supper, I’m completing a new novel to be  released by my publisher in 2021. It is more in the genre of When Color Fades. And of course, I continue to create magical realism art to accompany my poetry or just because. 

Thanks you for your time and I hope your readers will enjoy.

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