Stopping the Rise of Sea Level - Book Review
Stopping the Rise of Sea Level
Wasfi Youssef
Genre: Non Fiction - Gov/Politics Publisher: Alpha Publishing Date Published: October 26, 2022
ISBN-10: 0-9632423-3-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-9632423-3-4
Book Review of : Stopping the Rise of Sea Level
Wasfi Youssef's book "Stopping the rise of Sea Level" is one of the most informative and thoroughly researched works on the rising sea level problem. Youssef's book not only educates and inspires but also preserves a sense of hope that there are solutions for these major environmental issues. He offers lessons in sustainability while leading a call to action against the potentially disastrous consequences of our inaction.
Rising sea levels happen so incrementally that governments and leaders easily ignore the issue. Since we have yet to experience sustained higher sea levels, it is difficult for nations to take it seriously and make a concerted effort to prevent the inevitable from happening.
Climate change has become an important topic, and this book tackles it from a less common angle: the rising sea levels in places worldwide. Places such as Singapore, Alexandria in Egypt, Algiers in Algeria, Rome in Italy, Izmir in Turkey, Beirut in Lebanon, Tripoli in Libya, Barcelona in Spain, Nice in France, Naples in Italy, and Marseille in France. The book is written for the unfamiliar audiences who are unaware of how climate change is related to rising seas and flooding. The information is excellent, as are the examples he provides in his narrative.
Stopping the rise of Sea Level is a short book but packed full of knowledge about environmental issues and, specifically, how to curb the threat of rising sea levels. His book gives you an eye-popping view of what Earth might look like as the seas begin to drown the world we know. He outlines the role water plays on our planet, how much of the world's population lives on coastal sites, how rising temperatures lead to rising oceans, and how nations are currently considering the threat in terms of protection, adaptation, or relocation. Youssef's analysis of past statistics and his own field observations give him enough data to provide viable solutions for rising sea levels and catastrophic flooding.
By debunking false narratives and outlining a common-sense approach to the rising sea, Youssef provides a rallying cry for anyone tired of hearing the same old arguments and excuses. He makes it clear that nations must come together in ways they never have before if we want to make the necessary sweeping changes. The difficult challenges faced, however, could also be an opportunity to reshape our society into a more equitable, humanistic, and environmentally conscious one. Many of his solutions to lessen the threat of rising seas would result in more trees, food, and clean water for nations lacking those resources.
Youssef makes it clear that we're facing very major issues as sea levels around the globe continue to rise, changing the face of the Earth and daily lives. His narrative tackles both the geographic and social implications of climate change with expertise. Youssef's short but excellent book provides hope and a path forward.
Reviewed by: dave
About Wasfi Youssef
Wasfi Youssef is a structural engineer with a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. He also has a Professional Engineer (P.E.) license in the state of New York. Dr. Youssef has several decades of structural engineering design and construction. He worked on major housing, industrial, environmental, and marine projects. He held several important titles including chief construction engineer, assistant chief design engineer, project engineer, and senior structural stress analyst. Before retiring, Dr. Youssef was a member of the American Concrete Institute ACI), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME).
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