Children Who Dance in the Rain - Book Review

Children Who Dance in the Rain

Author: Susan Justice
Genre: Children - Concept
Publisher: Compassion Project Press
Date Published: May 1, 2023
ISBN-10: 1738677834
ISBN-13: 978-1-7386778-2-5

Book Review of :  Children Who Dance in the Rain


CHILDREN WHO DANCE IN THE RAIN by Susan Justice is a short thirty-two-page children's book. The first thing that struck me was its beautiful cover art depicting a child with large eyes staring at you. In the palm of her hand dance tiny children. Through an age-appropriate story with vibrant visuals, this book introduces young readers to a culture vastly different than their own. The rich illustrations bring the narrative alive, teaching valuable lessons about privilege for kids of all ages to learn from. Through its narrative, this captivating read will help children learn about how life is experienced elsewhere.

In Justice's book, young readers will explore a wonderfully educational and enlightening tale about Indian culture. This story educates children on different worldviews and helps them understand the concept of privilege by providing impactful examples.

Sophie's learning of the meaning of privilege began when her parents told her she would visit India to see her grandmother. Her expectations for life in the foreign land were dashed upon arrival - no electricity, mud houses,  where children lived in extreme poverty that broke Sophie's heart upon seeing it first hand. There she met Nanaki – an impoverished Indian girl who worked hard selling plastic items so that she could feed herself and her brother. After hearing Nanaki's story,  one of selflessness – it resonated with Sophie profoundly, and she felt infinitely blessed for all God provided through her loving parents back home.

The book's young protagonist, Sophie, had enjoyed a world that revolved around her tablet, cell phone, and other things that make life easy. Everything was taken for granted, including the word 'privilege.' which dominated discussions in school but lacked any real meaning or context. It was not till she went on the trip to India that her worldview was altered with more wisdom about life. In India, her encounter with these resilient children who faced a daily struggle for survival inspired her transformation. Suddenly each moment of life became precious as she realized all the wonders surrounding her yet so easily neglected when overlooked by our busy lives. This newfound understanding gave Sophie a better view into all she has been blessed with, which was too often taken for granted; her world is now seen through a lens of appreciation, not indifference.

This is an absolutely gorgeous book and a great way to introduce the understanding of privilege to children.

Reviewed by: James B.

About Susan Justice


Susan, a legal advocate for children's rights and mother of 3 young children has long harbored a dream of crafting a tale that would empower young readers to understand and champion the rights of their peers. Drawing upon her own experiences as a young person comprehending privilege, she was inspired to write a book that would not only entertain but also inspire her readers to consider pressing social issues and to actively strive to make the world a better place for all children.


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