Ethical Occurrence in Government Contracting: Principled or Corrupt?Author: Sandra HaynesGenre: Non Fiction - Gov/Politics Date Published: November 16, 2016 ISBN-10: 1504343794 ISBN-13: 978-1504343794 Click here to read a sample GoodReads Rating:
5.00 |
Ethical Occurrences in Government Contracting:Principled or Corrupt? by Sandra G. Haynes is an in depth account of the contracting system in the United States. Our country contracts many many things to many many people. Ms. Haynes has been involved in the system as a
U. S. Navy Storekeeper, Government Contracting Officer and Manager. Her knowledge of the system, the participants and the procedures is vast. She has first hand knowledge of the way things work and don't work in the contracting segment.
Our government has put many rules and regulations in place to try to prevent the corruption that occurs. There is a code of ethics that each contracting employee has set before them - do all the rules, regulations and ethics keep this department from being corrupt?
Two separate groups are looked at and discussed in Principled or Corrupt? Managers and employees. The Managers must be very well trained and knowledgeable about the statutory and regulatory rules of the federal government contracting system. They are the ones that assigns the jobs to the employees.
The employee is hired by the Manager to do a job. The employee barters their skills, knowledge and experience. The employee works directly under a Manager. The Manager is responsible for monitoring the actions and behavior of the employee. The Manager is also responsible to monitor and detect corruption - then to take necessary action to rid the system of the corruption.
Sandra G. Haynes has done a great job not only explaining but detailing the roles with the contracting system.
Lots of great information!!!!
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