Falling Stars - Book Review

Falling Stars

Author: Julie Rogers
Genre: Fiction - Fantasy
Publisher: 56 Mountain Press
Date Published: 00 , 0000
ISBN-10: 0997107472
ISBN-13: 978-0-9971074-6-3

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Book Review of :  Falling Stars


Falling Stars, written by Julie Rogers, is an urban fantasy with a contemporary twist that offers a fresh take on vampire tropes. Brace yourself, secure your surroundings, and arm yourself with garlic to ward off these bloodsuckers while you follow the story of Tommy Lucas, a 9-year-old protagonist. He thinks he is a vampire and he might just join the ranks of beloved vampire characters such as Nosferatu, Spike, Blade, and Dracula.
Young Tommy Lucas is suffering from paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH); a grave, non-inherited disorder that presents a life-threatening condition with impaired production of red blood cells. This condition targets erythrocytes, which carry oxygen; leukocytes, which defend the body from infections; and thrombocytes, which cause blood clotting. PNH is a life-threatening condition that usually manifests in young adults. Neglecting medical attention can lead to an untimely demise. In Tommy's case, his mother, a skilled oncologist, is determined to save her adopted son. However, Tommy has decided that he is suffering from his self-diagnosed vampirism and is hesitant to receive the necessary bone marrow transplant.
Tommy has another potential solution to save himself - a synthetic blood substitute created for the urban legend Viscount Claudius Fallon. He stumbles upon this remedy from a five-part series about Fallon in a copy of the “Philly's Argosy magazine,” an online pulp fiction magazine. The backstory legend suggests that Fallon, a descendant of Welsh ruling class vampires from Cardiff, Wales, sought a cure for leukemia in America in the town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, during World War II.
Tommy's search for a magical cure leads him to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where he forms a bond with local artist and gallery owner Callan Masters, who also has the hots for Tommy's mother. However, there is something extraordinary about this artist besides his hitting on Doctor Lucas. 
Can the unholy partnership between a cured vampire and a mortal woman truly be a safe love? Do you need to sleep with a necklace of garlic cloves around your neck? What happens if a vampirism relapse threatens the life of the beloved mortal? These are the thought-provoking questions that Rogers poses in this epic novel filled with love, magic, and sacrifice. The seamless narrative expertly weaves the past and present together, immersing readers in a fantastical world rich with detail. Will Callan Masters hold the key to curing Tommy's life-threatening condition? Rogers' intricate and captivating characterizations in this book will surely capture your heart and imagination. Delve into this gripping story to find out.

Reviewed by: david

About Julie Rogers


Julie Rogers is the author of seven books, including Seven Shorts; Letters: Sidereal Insight for a 21st Century Mystic; Hootie; and Simeon: A Greater Reality. Her muse for Falling Stars began in childhood, followed by the harsh realities of terminal illness and the discovery of a magical place called Eureka Springs. Julie's articles and award-winning stories are featured in self-help, inspirational and fiction publications like Coping with Cancer, Daily Meditation, and the annual anthology Writes of Passage: Every Woman has a Story! The 1999 Writer's Digest Writing Competition Grand Prize winner for her horror short story, "House Call," Julie also freelances as a ghostwriter and an editor.

Visit julierogersbooks.com for more information on Julie Rogers

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