Love scary movies. Love scary stories. Grew up in an environment where electricity was scarce, and our pastime was storytelling. Authors who left their imprints on me early on, are Shirley Jackson, Stephen King, and Paul Matheson. My favorite poets are Paul Verlaine and Edgar Allan Poe. Our imagination is all we need to keep us entertained! My life experiences are my treasures, writing them down is my greatest therapy. Sometimes, life can be a strange ride, you have to ride it like there is no tomorrow. I am married to my lumberjack, Tony and stepmom to an Anime addict and an avid ROBLOX builder. When I am not writing, or updating my horror movie website called, I am fighting for your freedom in the U.S. military. Visit for more information on R. A. Michaels | is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an affiliate, this website earns from qualifying purchases.