Lisa Jackson

Lisa Jackson can’t keep away from murderers, especially serial killers. She’s been killing people everywhere from Savannah and New Orleans to San Francisco and the Pacific Northwest—and it’s been worth it. Her readers come back again and again, and her novels are fixtures on national bestseller lists. In fact, her book Fatal Burn was a number one ...

Angela Jackson

Dr. Angela Jackson, a recognized authority on the future of work, is the CEO of Future Forward Strategies, a labor market intelligence firm focused on unlocking organizational potential through continuous learning and innovation. As a lecturer at Harvard University, her research redefines traditional human capital approaches, guiding leaders to embrace ...

Dr. Adi Jaffe

Adi Jaffe, PhD, is a nationally recognized expert on mental health, addiction, relationships, and shame. Formerly a lecturer in the UCLA Psychology department and the executive director and cofounder of one of the most progressive mental health treatment facilities in the country, he is the founder of IGNTD Recovery. Dr. Jaffe attended UCLA, graduating ...

Elena Jagar

Elena's writing spans several genres, and she believes that a good story is made up first and foremost of great characters, ones that are relatable and interesting enough to stay with the reader long after the book is closed. She hopes her young readers come away from her books feeling that nothing is impossible. When not writing, Elena enjoys ...

Anne Janzer

Anne Janzer is an award-winning author with a passion for exploring the art and science of nonfiction. Her books, including The Writer's Process and Writing to Be Understood, have guided countless readers in unlocking the power of effective communication. In The Curious Reader's Field Guide to Nonfiction Craft, Anne turns her focus to the ...

Ashley Jean Granillo

Ashley Jean Granillo is an Instructor of English at College of the Canyons. She has her BA and MA in Creative Writing from California State University Northridge. For a time, she was also a freelance music journalist and editor for a small, LA-based publishing company. When she isn't writing, Ashley Jean likes to refine her craft in graphic design ...

Dorothea Jensen

A former teacher, Dorothea Jensen has been studying the American Revolution since the early 1980s, and Lafayette in particular since the late 1990s. She has written two award-winning historical novels for young readers about the Revolution: A Buss from Lafayette, and The Riddle of Penncroft Farm. Her passion for history and her delight in versifying ...

Maryn and Anna Joesph

Twelve year old twins. These girls wrote a delightful children's book. They did a wonderful job with the story - we should watch for them in the future.

L. B. Johnson

L.B. Johnson spent many years as a commercial pilot before returning to college for a Ph.D. in a Criminal Justice related field, in which she now works. She lives in Chicago with her husband and rescue dog Abby. 100% of the sales of her writing supports animal rescue and adoption non-profits in the United States and Search Dog Foundation.

Melissa Jones

I'm Melissa author of The Blueberry Boy Series which is now Sheldon, The Antioxidant Super Hero of Jaloonsville and Harvest Time at Sheldon's Blueberry Farm. My latest book is The Treasure in Her Smile and Wake Up, Montana Ned will be published soon! Curtis's Sun Dance will be following that and I am hoping it gets a great response!

Susan Justice

Susan, a legal advocate for children's rights and mother of 3 young children has long harbored a dream of crafting a tale that would empower young readers to understand and champion the rights of their peers. Drawing upon her own experiences as a young person comprehending privilege, she was inspired to write a book that would not only entertain ...


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Home for the Bewildered
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One Man's Journey
June 17, 1967 - Battle of Xom Bo II